Tuesday, June 8, 2010

AUDI presents project advancements

AUDI presents project advancements

Ingolstadt - actually Werner Widuckel has to do vocationally with completely different things, with personnel one for example and with social one. If it concerns Travolution, Audis personnel executive committee is nevertheless fast in its function as a boss of the Ingolstädter initiative regional management however then with the revolution. At least Widuckel calls the project to let cars communicate with traffic lights to be able to pay in order to save Sprit and to reduce so the harming output, or by means of electronics by transfer with them at the gas station and in multi-storey car parks in a revolutionary manner. Information also about current StraßenlageDer official starting signal for the Travolution project, in which beside AUDI as main partners also the technical university Munich and the Friedrich Alexander university in attaining/Nuremberg as well as a company for modern gas station and multi-storey car park systems take part, is in July 2006 please.

In the first project phase 46 traffic lights in Ingolstadt were optimized in such a way that the Spritverbrauch reduces on the distances concerned according to first evaluation by approximately 17 per cent. 25 traffic lights are meanwhile in such a way configure that they can communicate with the appropriate test cars. In the context of the project drivers are informed permanently also about the current road-hugging property; the necessary data for it supply General German Automobile Association automobiles and Ingolstadts taxi radio.

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Less carbon dioxide output in the city the use project for the environment and resources lies particularly in the smaller carbon dioxide output in city traffic. ( Mercedes CLS )Prognoses proceed from approximately 15 per cent of reduction or more than two million tons per year, which corresponds to a saving of approximately 900 million litre Sprit. For ten years AUDI price works on the Car ton x networking specified of the car with the environment. The Ingolstädter is thereby It lives the Travolution! AUDI car models places project advancements pre initial member of a European consortium. Parallel to it they engage themselves in 2008 and from three Federal Ministries a promoted project begun for safe and intelligent mobility with Germany as test field.

Intelligent traffic management

Ingolstadt, rent a car AUDI headquarters. Traffic planners and journalists go directly on test trip through the city. Michael thick before still refers to the necessity for an intelligent traffic management: “The traffic today”, thus Widuckels for technology responsible executive committee colleague, “uses when its control still the standards from yesterday - and that is not good for the environment and resources.” The flow of traffic promote and the nerves preserve in strongly city traffic coined/shaped by traffic lights in Germany blow 50 million passenger car in the year according to thick about 15 million tons of Kohlendixoid into air, approximately a fifth of their entire emission. Systems such as stop/start save there at ten seconds conditions nevertheless already approximately four millilitres fuel in the comparison to the no-load operation. “I think however, us all would still rather be it, if we did not even have to stop.” The idea of Travolution, by the way mix from the English words “Traffic” (for traffic) and “evolution”: 60,000 traffic light devices in Germany step with one another and also with the cars into contact. ( Polo Sedan ) “If we thereby”, thus Audis technique executive committee, “the flow of traffic promote, do not only preserve we our own nerves.” There are already two solutions for traffic light/autocommunication two solutions for the traffic light/autocommunication: Some plants transmit their signals by WLAN to the vehicles into the direct environment, the others send it on a central It lives the Travolution! AUDI car places project advancements pre server, where the current traffic light information is callable by UMTS. “The vehicles can announce back-up and an overall view of the traffic conditions generate together”, refer thick to a fleet of 15 A4-Allroad-Quattro and Q5-Versuchsfahrzeugen, which the data over a special module receives including WLAN antenna and UMTS data interface. Each traffic light device dispatches nonstop information packages, by which the controller in the test car calculates the ideal behavior.

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Stress-freely drive through

Still 150 meters up to the traffic light. Those shows red, jumps however in 15 seconds on green. If we drive on now with speed 50, we must stop in the last seconds of the Rotphase at the traffic light to only start in order immediately thereafter again. “Case you however”, thick, “your speed on 35 explains reduces, has you already to green, if you arrive - and you drive through stress-free.” The announcement is made by the woman driver formation display, which indicates the current status of the traffic light light and the recommended speed. The system knows besides the trace, because it is interlaced with the turn signal of the car. “And if you use navigation, it recognizes even that you turn shortly.”


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