Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Filing Insurance Car does not have to bother

"Now Filing Insurance Car does not have to bother anymore ....

Inevitably, a prolonged economic crisis that happened, it was felt
difficult by almost all sectors of business activity. This condition is becoming increasingly difficult, if companies have to bear the risks that may occur on the assets supporting activities. Therefore, now is the right to transfer this risk to the insurance company as a guarantor risk. But choosing a car insurance is sometimes tricky.

You are looking for and confused in choosing car insurance?, Maybe a little tips below can be considered not forget I attach information / quote for car insurance can be the mother / father learned:


1. Quality:
Make sure the first insurance that will diipilih including insurance categories that have got prediket Best General Insurance, Indonesian Best Brand Award, Indonsian Customer Satisfaction Award. Because with this certification are clearly indicates that this insurance is reliable, trustworthy, and proven claim responsibility in serving customers.

2. Cost Own Risk (Own Risk):
Sometimes bulak and forth to the garage insurance is also something that makes lazy customers, let alone implement some insurance claim with the payment system OR (Own Risk) or the risk itself that on average there are 100,000 .- based per incident, per impact, and so of course it makes you burdened with having to spend a lot of claims to pay OR if often bulak insurance and forth to the garage that is not necessarily the result of a job shop in customer satisfaction because done by a mock workshop or non-authorized. Sometimes the paint stripes Betong make your car's body image as if it had tremendous impact this would make the value of your car sales slump. Although the customer can complain to the insurance, but how long the loss of your time wasted. It's good for a very busy and lazy bulak back to the workshop should select the insurance that insurance can receive 1 (one) time only claim but a collection of some conflict / collisions in different events, so maybe in a year just 1 time to garage adequate insurance and pay only once OR your car's body back smoothly because done by a reliable repair shop or authorized repair shop (authorized). Cost-effective and efficient.
insurance car

3. Claim Process:
As to the insurance claim process should be examined first, there are some car insurance which time the customer receives the claim should be straightforward once it is in fact this is must wait surveyornya ready lah, sometimes have to argue was the first time surveyed. Not yet at times it took several days just to wait for SPK (Work Order) issued by the insurance company for the repair shop could fix our car. Things like this sometimes customers feel ignored and a lot of time tebuang just to wait for a paper / letter. Leave a process like this is already old, you should select an insurance claim when an uncomplicated, quick less than 30 minutes SPK is in your hands so you stay menenetukan when to shop insurance.

4. Work:
Many insurance that applies some cheap rate, but what if the workshop is not qualified associates alias mock and not satisfying the customer. Sometimes paint your car look even striped Betong make your car's body image as if it had tremendous impact this would make the value of your car sales slump. Although the customer can complain to the insurance, but how long the loss of your time wasted. Pay attention to this and select the insurance with a trusted partner workshops and official (authorized). Remember that your vehicle is a valuable asset, do not Sepelekan using dubious insurance services only because of the difference a few dollars only premium price

5. Spare Parts (Spare Parts):
Spare parts are an important part in your car, make sure the insurance guarantees that use original spare parts and warranty. Be careful with this insurance does not guarantee that fatal consequences.

6. Responsibilities of the Third Party (TJH / TPL) and PA (Personal Accident):
This feature should be observed carefully because the time of the incident hit the motorcycle accident samples sometimes - sometimes the 3rd party even more severe damage than us. Here the role of this feature dipelukan, you should select the insurance with the responsibility of third parties are large so you do not tebebebani extra cost. Likewise with personal accident protection features driver / passenger it is also very necessary. Choose the insurance that is included with this feature.

7. Free Services 24 Hour Protection:
This is a very, very important when we choose car insurance, car insurance that many rely on and provide cheap rates only protection but the service is not satisfactory, not 24 hour service, no telephone service hard to contact even at times no one answered, sometimes Sometimes areas are also very limited protection at all times even just Jabotabek area only. Out of the Greater you can ketar-ketir if there is a problem with your car like a strike on a highway because a flat tire, need a crane, a key miss in the car, ran out of fuel, etc.. Leave these worries, select insurance with 24-hour alertness and wide area protection in Indonesia. So if you are touring out of town as far away as Bali to Medan or do not worry if something goes wrong with your car. This feature needs to be considered for those of you who love to travel far (touring).

8. SRCC (Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion - Riots, Strikes and Riot & Flood):
Features of this insurance highly recommended that to ensure the risk due to the disruption of public order committed by a group of people, as well as measures authorities in action against such interference, whether related to the strike and the barring of work, and bear the civil unrest that political bemotif. Also the expansion of insurance cover loss caused by water overflowing out of the normal limit water rivers, lakes, swamps, jebolnya floodgates, dams jebolnya, continuous rain that can not be accommodated by water channels. Damage due to flooding include damage to the interior, exterior, dashboard panel, mechanical, electrical and other damage on the vehicle bemotor insured. Select insurance which includes this feature.

9. Flexible In Payment:
Choose a car insurance premium payments flexible, can be made by cash, transfer, or credit card (Visa / Mastercard). This may help your financial management.
Unfortunate that when the unexpected arrival of even more value the losses, make us more confident that insurance protection is absolutely necessary.

Autocillin Classic from ADIRA Insurance, is an automobile insurance product Simple, Unique, & Reliable purposely developed for you, with a wide selection of rates / premiums are affordable, loose coverage / insurance, as well as with the feature / value-added features for your convenience in driving .

Related to the above, we herewith from Team wants to help you who always mobile, and busy with daily work routines, and a few have the time to insure his vehicle, we want to offer one: How Easy Car Insurance ONLINE - All Indonesia Through Our Site. With full support from ADIRA Insurance, one of the Top Automobile Insurance prominent today, which is supported by many Branch Office Representative & Repair Network Quality Partners widespread throughout the Region in Indonesia, lets you be more relaxed and comfortable driving on the road for a year !. At this site, you no longer need to come to our office or contact our Marketing Staff, but you just simply asked to fill out Form Insurance Application Filing here (not until 15 minutes), after that we let that take care of the rest ..... ...."

6 Steps to Easy Submission Autocillin Car Insurance

1. Fill out your Application Form Application for insurance on the Quick Links below

2. Autocillin will schedule a survey to your place

3. Survey officers arrived on the date disekapati together

4. Debit Note / Invoice (bill premiums) will be sent to your address

5. You pay premiums to Rek. PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Bank has appointed

6. After the premium stated in, then the Original Policy issued, and sent to your address. FINISHED.


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