Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The break down of insurance

Vehicles have long been a staple in the lives of most men and women today. Thanks to advancements in technology, many vehicles have become part playground, office, and even bedroom. There is not much that you cannot do from the driver's seat anymore.

The family car is more than a tool for just work and play; it is entrusted with the lives of you and your family on a daily basis. It can also be a status symbol for all of your past and present accomplishments in life. Cars really are more iatrical than some people would think. It only makes sense that you would have an auto insurance policy to protect this very important investment.

FYI About Auto Insurance

What exactly is auto insurance? It is more than just an added expense and piece of paper stuffed in your glove box. You even begin to wonder how needed it even is. Think of your auto insurance policy as a shield and a back-up generator all in one; it can keep you safe from the possible and unforeseen accident and/or mishap.

Auto insurance may not be able to prevent that other driver from careening in you or the lamp post from jumping into the middle of the road during a rain storm, but that little piece of paper can shelter you and your family from unnecessary harassment and further turmoil during a time when you may not be at your fighting best.

You have made the decision to obtain auto insurance for your vehicle. Do you know what is included in your policy? It is good to know what basic points of coverage your


company should be offering you:

1) Bodily injury liability covers any injuries you (and anyone listed on your policy) cause to someone else.

2) Personal injury protection takes care of medical expenses incurred if you or your family is inured in an accident. This can also pay lost wages, and even funeral expenses.

3) Property damage liability covers any damages you may cause in an accident.

4) Collision pays for any damage to your vehicle in an accident.

5) Comprehensive coverage is optional in many states; this pays for any damage that is not caused by another vehicle. Earthquakes, flooding, theft, riots, run-ins with animals, and falling objects are usually included.

6) Uninsured motorist coverage keeps you safe in the even the other driver is not insured, or you are involved in a hit-and-run accident.


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