Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today's Texas auto insurance market does not seem to have senior drivers in mind when it comes to lower rates. Even when actual car use has diminished, some mature drivers find themselves paying higher premiums. The problem is not that Texas insurers are attempting to push senior drivers into a position of unaffordable auto insurance. The reality is simply that changes in pricing structure have made it more difficult for individual seniors to understand all of the factors that may apply to rate reduction. Consequently, senior drivers are often unaware of the specific ways in which their auto insurance rates may be lowered.

Senior drivers looking to lower their premiums on auto insurance should review their policies taking the following considerations into mind.

* Driver classification - Commonly described as automobile usage, a driver classification specifically defines the type and amount the auto will be used by the insured senior driver. Types of usage include "to and from work" or "pleasure only." A senior's driver classification may also take into account the decreases in mileage annually. Some seniors use their vehicle only on special occasion, which could result in further rate decreases. A senior looking for lower auto insurance rates should make sure the carrier is aware of the actual vehicle usage, and that this factor is being taken into account in the rate calculations.

* Drivers history - Auto insurance carriers in Texas use these three major indicators in underwriting policies and determining rates. It is recommended that all Senior drivers make their driver's history as "clean" as possible. One should contest all moving violations when possible, and cover others with defensive driving courses.

* Claims history - A Senior's claims history carries significant weight as well. The Texas Department of Insurance requires carriers to record all claims reported to them by the insured. With this in mind, it is important to understand that when contacting an insurance representative, one should specify whenever the call is for information only. Otherwise, it may be recorded a filed claim, thereby affecting your claims history and possibly rates.

* Financial score - Senior drivers should do whatever they can to improve their financial score when looking for low auto insurance rates. Stability and debt ratio are major factors that carriers take into account when underwriting a Senior's policy. Seniors that have reduced their financial obligations should make sure their financial scores reflect this, and alert their insurance agents whenever such information has changed.

As with all types of insurance, seniors should feel that their carrier's representative is willing and able to take the time needed to discuss and adjust the auto insurance policy to their clients benefit. George White understand the importance many seniors place upon the ability to contact a human being that can give them the personal time and attention they need to feel confident and secure about the auto insurance policy they receive. For this reason, George White will make sure to speak with you on an individual basis about your policy, and how lower rates may be attained. If he cannot offer you the lowest possible rate or the best policy appropriate to your situation, he will refer you to someone who can!

Give George White a call today toll free at 866-663-5262 to learn more about how you can lower your auto insurance rates by getting the type of coverage that is right for you!


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