Thursday, October 30, 2008

Types of Coverage auto insurance

Each person who drives necessitates car insurance. In fact, most states command it by law. When you purchase car insurance, you are purchasing what is called a policy. Your policy is grounded on a diverseness of factors admitting what kind of car you drive as well as what sort of insurance you want. compare auto insuranc policies are in reality a package of dissimilar types of insurance coverage.
The first step in interpreting an auto insurance policy is to ascertain the various types of coverage insurance companions offer. Some of this coverage may be compulsory by your state and some of the coverage may be facultative.

• Liability - This coverage antes up for accidental corporal trauma and property indemnification to others. Injury impairments include medical disbursements, pain and bearing and lost wages. Property damage admits damaged property and automobiles. This coverage also compensates defense and court costs. State laws ascertain how much liability coverage you must leverage, but you can forever get more coverage than your state compels.
• Collision - This coverage pays for impairments to your vehicle stimulated by collision with additional vehicle or object.
• Comprehensive - This coverage compensates for loss or impairment to the insured vehicle that doesn't come about in an auto accident. The types of damages comprehensive insurance covers include loss caused by fire, flood, vandalism, wind, hail, or theft.
• Medical Coverage - Pays medical expenses disregarding of fault when the expenses are stimulated by an auto accident.
• PIP - Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is commanded in some states. This coverage compensates medical expenses for the insured driver, irrespective of fault, for discourse due to an auto accident.
• Uninsured Motorist - compensates your car's impairments when an auto accident is induced by a driver who doesn't have financial obligation insurance.
• Underinsured Motorist - compensates your car's impairments when an auto accident is stimulated by someone who has deficient liability insurance.
• Rental Reimbursement - This type of coverage will compensate for a rental car if your car is besmirched due to an auto accident. Frequently this coverage has a day-to-day leeway for a rental car.
Numerous insurance policies coalesce a number of these eccentrics of coverage. The first step in picking out the compare auto insurance you desire for your car is to know the laws in your state. This will tell you the lower limit insurance you need for your car. It's benevolent to keep in mind that, just since your state may not compel extensive insurance, extra coverage may be meriting the expense.
After all, no one desires to be bewildered with thousands of dollars worth of bills because of an auto accident.Now, let's take a look at how to determine your insurance needs.

Bringing the Costs Down

There are four main components that can donjon compare auto insurance rates bolt down. See if you accrue into any of the accompanying categories. If you do, you may be able to save money on your car insurance disregarding of the appraise of your automobile.

1. If you are awaiting to buy a car, turn over buying a car that looks benevolent to insurance companies. For instance, insurance companies be intimate what varieties of cars are prostrate to problems. They also experience what varieties of cars are most frequently stolen. If you haven't bought your car yet, find out what cars make this "good list" amidst auto insurers.

2. Most insurance companies extend discounts for a variety of reasons - for example, estimable students, having additional than one car insured and accident-free driving are all worth a discount. Necessitate insurance companies just about particular discounts that may be uncommitted to you.

3. Deliberate carpooling or using public expatriation to get to work. The less you use your car, the less your insurance will cost you.

4. Finally, drive with kid gloves! Insurance companies are not happy to insure accident- prostrate drivers, so the more dependable you drive, the less you will have to compensate for auto insurance. Source :

Monday, October 27, 2008


Auto Insurance in India deals with the insurance covers for the loss or damage caused to the automobile or its parts due to natural and man-made calamities. It provides accident cover for individual owners of the vehicle while driving and also for passengers and third party legal liability. There are certain general insurance companies who also offer online insurance service for the vehicle.

Auto Insurance in India is a compulsory requirement for all new vehicles used whether for commercial or personal use. The insurance companies have tie-ups with leading automobile manufacturers. They offer their customers instant auto quotes. Auto premium is determined by a number of factors and the amount of premium increases with the rise in the price of the vehicle. The claims of the Auto Insurance in India can be accidental, theft claims or third party claims. Certain documents are required for claiming Auto Insurance in India , like duly signed claim form, RC copy of the vehicle, Driving license copy, FIR copy, Original estimate and policy copy.

There are different types of Auto Insurance in India :

* Private Car Insurance – in the Auto Insurance in India, Private Car Insurance is the fastest growing sector as it is compulsory for all the new cars. The amount of premium depends on the make and value of the car, state where the car is registered and the year of manufacture.
* Two Wheeler Insurance – the Two Wheeler Insurance under the Auto Insurance in India covers accidental insurance for the drivers of the vehicle. The amount of premium depends on the current showroom price multiplied by the depreciation rate fixed by the Tariff Advisory Committee at the time of the beginning of policy period.
* Commercial Vehicle Insurance – Commercial Vehicle Insurance under the Auto Insurance in India provides cover for all the vehicles which are not used for personal purposes, like the Trucks and HMVs. The amount of premium depends on the showroom price of the vehicle at the commencement of the insurance period, make of the vehicle and the place of registration of the vehicle.

The auto insurance generally includes:

* Loss or damage by accident, fire, lightning, self ignition, external explosion, burglary, housebreaking or theft, malicious act.
* Liability for third party injury/death, third party property and liability to paid driver
* On payment of appropriate additional premium, loss/damage to electrical/electronic accessories

The auto insurance does not include:

* Consequential loss, depreciation, mechanical and electrical breakdown, failure or breakage
* When vehicle is used outside the geographical area
* War or nuclear perils and drunken driving

Some of the leading Insurance Companies offering Auto Insurance in India are:

HSBC India – Auto Secure
Bajaj Allianz - Bajaj Allianz's Motor Insurance
ICICI Lombard - Motor Plans, Two Wheeler Package Policy
United India Insurance Co. - Motor Package and Liability Only Policies
The New India Assurance Co. - Motor Policy

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today's Texas auto insurance market does not seem to have senior drivers in mind when it comes to lower rates. Even when actual car use has diminished, some mature drivers find themselves paying higher premiums. The problem is not that Texas insurers are attempting to push senior drivers into a position of unaffordable auto insurance. The reality is simply that changes in pricing structure have made it more difficult for individual seniors to understand all of the factors that may apply to rate reduction. Consequently, senior drivers are often unaware of the specific ways in which their auto insurance rates may be lowered.

Senior drivers looking to lower their premiums on auto insurance should review their policies taking the following considerations into mind.

* Driver classification - Commonly described as automobile usage, a driver classification specifically defines the type and amount the auto will be used by the insured senior driver. Types of usage include "to and from work" or "pleasure only." A senior's driver classification may also take into account the decreases in mileage annually. Some seniors use their vehicle only on special occasion, which could result in further rate decreases. A senior looking for lower auto insurance rates should make sure the carrier is aware of the actual vehicle usage, and that this factor is being taken into account in the rate calculations.

* Drivers history - Auto insurance carriers in Texas use these three major indicators in underwriting policies and determining rates. It is recommended that all Senior drivers make their driver's history as "clean" as possible. One should contest all moving violations when possible, and cover others with defensive driving courses.

* Claims history - A Senior's claims history carries significant weight as well. The Texas Department of Insurance requires carriers to record all claims reported to them by the insured. With this in mind, it is important to understand that when contacting an insurance representative, one should specify whenever the call is for information only. Otherwise, it may be recorded a filed claim, thereby affecting your claims history and possibly rates.

* Financial score - Senior drivers should do whatever they can to improve their financial score when looking for low auto insurance rates. Stability and debt ratio are major factors that carriers take into account when underwriting a Senior's policy. Seniors that have reduced their financial obligations should make sure their financial scores reflect this, and alert their insurance agents whenever such information has changed.

As with all types of insurance, seniors should feel that their carrier's representative is willing and able to take the time needed to discuss and adjust the auto insurance policy to their clients benefit. George White understand the importance many seniors place upon the ability to contact a human being that can give them the personal time and attention they need to feel confident and secure about the auto insurance policy they receive. For this reason, George White will make sure to speak with you on an individual basis about your policy, and how lower rates may be attained. If he cannot offer you the lowest possible rate or the best policy appropriate to your situation, he will refer you to someone who can!

Give George White a call today toll free at 866-663-5262 to learn more about how you can lower your auto insurance rates by getting the type of coverage that is right for you!

Most Famous Auto Insurance


Safeco insurance company sells their products solely via a countrywide network of autonomous agents and dealers who offer the advice and options to the client. They also own a web-based dais where a client only needs to register his name, contact details and the requirement. The agents within minutes contact him, quote the policy and issue insurance to his vehicle.


Geico offers auto insurance to clients across the U.S. They also provide insurance coverage for your home, boat, RV, life and much more.


This auto insurance company has been in this trade for offering first-rate auto cover at a reasonable price since 1922.

Auto Insurance is designed to fiscally cover up the possible auto-related damages, loss or injuries. It assists you in the protection of the automobile, other people's property the other vehicles and drivers and the pedestrians. It may also help defend you in the incident of an auto-associated lawsuit.


Progressive is the 3rd largest insurance company in the country with the clientele of around or above 10 million people to insure their vehicles. Progressive is mainly known for the wide variety of products to suit the requirement of almost all the drivers. They provide unbeatable customer care and attention making their client permanent.


Mexbound is an online company that facilitates auto insurance to the clients all over Mexico. The insurance policy can be chosen and bought online. Mexbound through a secure online process lets you easily get a quote and take a print of your Mexico Auto Insurance policy within minutes, totally eliminating the hassles of taking halt at the border. Mexbound auto Insurance company provides 24*7 toll free claim service, roadside aid and law and travel information.

ICICI Lombard auto Insurance Company Limited is a joint business enterprise between ICICI Bank Limited and the Canada based $ 26 billion Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited.India's second largest bank, ICICI Bank and Fairfax Financial Holdings is a spread out financial company affianced into a business of auto insurance, insurance claims management, reinsurance and investment management.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Auto-insurance fraud hurts all motorists

OUR OPINION: Insurers aggressively should pursue the con artists

The lawsuit that Allstate Insurance recently filed in federal court in Miami may be bad news for the defendants -- tow-truck operators, chiropractic clinics, auto-body shops, some policyholders and others -- but it could be a good omen for policyholders. It definitely will be if it emboldens insurers to aggressively pursue fraud.

Staging accidents

The lawsuit alleges that the defendants collaborated in staging 17 auto accidents -- and possibly more -- and then filed fraudulent insurance claims. The lawsuit isn't a first. Allstate and other insurers do go after businesses and policyholders when they suspect cheating. More often than not, though, insurers find it easier to pay the claim and move on. That's because lawsuits are messy, expensive and time-consuming. Worse, the outcome of a jury trial can be unpredictable. In South Florida, even cases where the evidence of fraud is overwhelming have ended with insurers leaving the courthouse in shock and disbelief because of an unfavorable jury verdict.

As a consequence, many insurers are overly cautious about going to trial. Too often it is easier to pay than fight. The ultimate losers in this game of chicken are honest policyholders. They end up paying premiums inflated by the cost of fraudulent claims. This is why it is encouraging when an insurer goes to court to challenge an alleged bogus claim. Frankly, we wish it would happen more often.

The Allstate case involves an alleged network of businesses that brazenly and repeatedly filed claims in a scheme to steal from insurers -- and indirectly from policyholders. One driver would ram another driver's car. Both were part of the scam. Both would file claims for damages and medical bills, and the insurance companies would dutifully pay.

In these cases, the insurance companies paid out tens of thousands of dollars. Allstate realized that something was wrong when representatives noticed that the same cars with the same damage turned up in multiple accidents. The company investigated, gathered evidence and hired a lawyer to bring suit.

Billions lost

Whatever the outcome, the lawsuit sends a message to the scammers that they could end up in court and lose their businesses. There are other benefits, too. Once they're busted, the network of con artists has to cease doing ''business,'' or at least take extraordinary precautions to continue. If all insurers aggressively pursued fraud -- or even just a majority of them -- they could significantly raise the stakes for the thieves to stay in business.

Prosecutors say relatively few groups engage in organized fraud, but they steal billions each year from insurers and honest drivers. Insurers should consider prosecuting scam artists as an investment that results in lower costs for their business and lower premiums for customers.

Choosing to Get Classic Car Insurance >> NEW<<

car insuranceThose who own classic cars know the love, care and attention that go into taking care of these cars. Whether you drive it around or not, it is still a good idea to get classic car insurance that is made special for those who own classic cars. One of the reasons to get classic car insurance is because the classic cars are quite expensive thus it is more prone to thief compared to other types of cars. Since classic cars are more expensive and are exposed to higher risk of thief, getting a regular insurance coverage may not really be enough to protect your classic car.

To make sure that your classic car is fully protected, you should always buy adequate classic car insurance for your car. The good thing about a classic car insurance is that it allows to you ensure your vehicle based on its true value rather than stated value. Yes, getting classic car insurance may be a bit costly but if you really want to safeguard your car against theft, accidents and the likes, getting classic car insurance is a must.

Classic Car Insurance

car insurance quoteIn America today, less that half of collector cars on the road are insured with classic car insurance. These policies have been available for a long time, but many people do not know about them. Most people have a regular insurance policy with high premiums and restrictive policies. You won't get that with classic car insurance. Standard premiums can be at much as 500 percent higher. Why pay that much for such a limited amount of coverage?

There are a few different types of coverage that you have with classic car insurance. There is actual cash value that gives you the book value of the car on a claim, the state value that lets you state the value of the vehicle for coverage, and there is the agreed value that guarantees all of your money back in the event of a total loss. This is the only policy that will not depreciate over the years.

If you are wondering what is considered a collectible vehicle, it may be hard to define. There are many different types of cars that are collected these days, so to find out if your beauty is considered a collectible, you will want to contact a classic car insurance carrier in order to see if your car qualifies for this great insurance.

Finding the Very Best Classic Car Insurance

Before you start hunting for a classic car insurance company for your car, you need to find out first how much the true value of your car is. Getting the true value can sometime be tricky. Bear in mind that an insurance company will want to know how much insurance you want on your car so you need to know the true value of your car.

The value of classic cars can vary and it can be greatly increase based on its uniqueness, its model, its present condition, its age and its history. If your car has some really great history attached to it which can be verified, you can fetch a handsome price on that car. To determine how much is the true value of your classic car, bring your car to an appraiser who works with classic cars in your locality. The classic car appraiser should be able to give you the true value of your classic car.

After determining the market value which is the true value of your classic car, you may now start hunting for a classic car insurance company. First you should call those well known classic car insurance companies. Ask these classic car insurance companies for insurance quotes depending upon the true value of your classic car. When comparing insurance quotes from all these classic car insurance companies, pay close attention to the features of the policy and the cost. Make sure that the cost of the insurance is well justified. You do not really want to pay more money than you should on your car insurance.

Maximizing Your Engine, Performance Tuning

performance tuningStuffing more horses into your engine used to take countless hours, cost a ridiculous wad of cash in parts, and usually resulted in the busting of several knuckles.

Thankfully, with today's computer-controlled vehicles tuning is about as easy as playing Pong.

If you've seen the TV shows geared at getting every droplet of power out of a classic vehicle, you know they spend the entire show with a load of time-lapsed video of them tearing the engine apart to put in extremely technical and wildly expensive parts.

When it's all done, they crank up the dyno and get giddy over the 3 horsepower gain realized after roughly 4 hours of work.

That's not exactly how most would want to spend their weekend, and all for a measly 3hp.

Of course, there's quite a bit to be said for those computer-free classics that you can have full control over. However, when it comes to getting more power in no time and without having to tear up your hands or throwing piles of cash on hard-to-find parts, a computer-controlled vehicle has a distinct advantage.

The good news is, you're probably driving a computer-controlled vehicle, like most sold over the last quarter century. This makes tuning much easier, because a set of programs determines how your engine performs.

Simply replace your engine's stock programming with some that's geared toward performance and you'll discover power gains almost instantly.

Just how can you get these power gains in minutes? The answer is easy, with a power programmer or performance chip, like those made by Hypertech or DiabloSport.

These power programmers are designed to hold performance programs created and tested by the pros. It's so straightforward a caveman could do it.

Just plug it into the OBD-II port beneath your steering column, enter a few simple yes or no commands to adjust how you want the engine to perform, upload the new programming, and you're ready to rock with 25 or more horsepower. For most folks, this will take a maximum of 10 minutes to complete.

There are a few drivers out there who want the extra power, but are apprehensive of using this sort of tuning method.engine tuningTheir concern is that how can so much power be gain so fast, when the guys on tube spend hours and only add a few horsepower. But the skeptics can rest easy. Modern automakers simply down-tune their cars for the general population.

Engines are setup to work the same for performance enthusiasts as they do for octogenarians who believe going over 40 mph is breakneck speed. You don't fall into the later, nor are you a soccer mom unconcerned about performance, you demand it.

Performance programmers aren't average settings and that makes them a perfect match for you.

And, you don't have to worry about warranties. The companies that make programmers take safety into account with their settings and further they often give you ways to return to stock settings for service visits at the dealership.

What's more, as with all performance mods, you'll be protected by federal law. It basically states that your vehicle's warranty cannot be voided by performance parts unless they can be proven as the source of the breakdown.

So, there's no good reason to wait if you're look to easily tap into the true potential sitting under your hood.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Prepare Your Car for Winter: Four Things to Do Now


car tuningIf you have never lived in a cold climate, you probably haven't had to deal with driving and handling a car in snowy conditions. There is a lot of preparation that needs to be done before you can drive safely through the winter. Just as you change your wardrobe for winter, your car needs a winter wardrobe. Use the following steps to help ensure your car operates safely during the winter.

Preparing your car for winter breaks down into two categories: regular car maintenance and specialty items to deal with inclement weather. Regular car maintenance includes things that you do to your car year round. You need to make sure that these maintenance tasks get done before the weather starts to change so you can make sure that your car is running at its optimum level.

Before the winter starts, you should get your car's routine maintenance up to date. Getting your oil changed and your brakes fixed are essential in preparing your car for winter. Roads can be dangerous after the first snowfall. If you opt to go for snow tires, you should get them installed several weeks before winter hits. Snow tires aren't always necessary but they are a good idea if you are going to be driving in a place that experiences a lot of snowfall. Even if you don't need snow tires, check to make sure that your tires are in good enough shape to handle the wintry insuranceTest out your windshield wipers before the first rain or snowfall. Be sure the wipers don't just smear water across your windshield. Windshield wipers that work improperly can severely reduce your visibility and put you at risk for getting into an accident. Replace your windshield wipers and take a look at the special winter windshield wipers that are available on the market today. If you live in an area where you frequently experience snowfall, this may be a good option. While you're at it, make sure that your windshield wiper fluid container is filled, and put an extra gallon on fluid in your trunk.

The next part of car preparation is gathering together the supplies that you'll need to get your car running when the weather is bad. These supplies should be kept in two spaces: your garage and in your car. For your garage, you'll need a shovel, a small broom and some de-icing spray. These are necessary in order to free your car from any heavy snowfall that occurred the night before. You may also find an ice scraper handy.

For your car, you should carry an additional ice scraper and some de-icing spray to use if you have to park outside during work hours. These items should be kept with a winter emergency kit that is stored in the trunk of your car. In addition to the scraper and spray, you should store a blanket, some dry snacks, first-aid supplies and bottled water. If you're ever stuck in a snowstorm, these items will help you quote tuningWhile driving during the wintertime certainly isn't something that you should worry about, you should take the steps necessary to prepare your car for the coming months. Get your car tuned up and stocked with emergency supplies and you'll be ready to take what ever the winter weather throws your way.

10 Ways to Lower your Car Insurance Payments

cheap online car insuranceMany people buy their own cars because it makes life easier. However, many also struggle with the costs that come with maintaining a car especially when it comes to making car insurance payments. Many car owners are continuously in search for better ways to lower their car insurance premiums. What most do is simply search for companies that provide cheap car insurance. However, what many do not know is that they can save so much more just by following a few simple tips.

For those who aim to save on car insurance payments, the first thing to do is make sure to shop around every so often. In fact, the reason why six-month car insurance polices are most preferred is that it allows car owners to switch and buy car insurance from other providers at the soonest possible time. This means that it is important to continuously survey the insurance market to search for the cheapest car insurance around. Some people find that it is most effective to check out rates for car insurance online while others learn about the cheapest services from their friends and family. No matter what your preferred method for getting car insurance quotes may be, the bottom line is to find the best car insurance to not only suit your lifestyle but your budget as well. Many people who make this a practice report savings of over $300 on policies valid for six months. This would translate to so much more in a span of one year.

Another thing to consider when trying lowering your car insurance payments is to take the option for higher deductibles. Many car owners feel afraid to do this because choosing higher deductibles means shelling out so much more money in case they get into a huge accident. However, the logic behind choosing higher deductibles is pretty sound. Obviously, higher deductibles mean lower premiums. Therefore, lower car insurance payments. Car owners should not worry too much about higher payments when a major accident happens because minor accidents happen more often than major ones and when it comes to minor damages, car owners will still pay the same amount.

Many motorists prefer paying for their premiums in monthly installments because it allows them to shell out a relatively smaller amount at a given time and budget their car insurance payments along with the rest of their monthly expenses. However, what they do not realize is that even the cheapest car insurance providers add on administrative fees for each payment. Even if the additional amount is only $7 or so, for people paying their premiums at monthly installments, this could easily add up to $84 which they could have saved over the period of that one year

Another useful tip to help you lower your car insurance payments is to also look around for companies providing multi-line insurance. This means that you purchase all your insurance from the same company. Most insurers offer huge discounts for this. However, many people still try to look for cheap providers for each type of insurance they need. What they do not realize is that getting their car insurance and home insurance from just one provider can easily translate to about 15% savings.

Furthermore, if you think of yourself as a good driver and no evidence to prove otherwise can be gathered, here’s a good tip for you: look for car insurance providers that can reward you with big discounts simply because of your driving. In fact, some states such as California have made it illegal for car insurance providers to disregard good driving discounts. So, if you have not gotten yourself into any car accidents or received tickets for at least the past three years, do some research or ask around. You may qualify for lower premiums.

Nowadays, a lot of insurance companies will base the prices of their car insurance policies on your credit history. If you have been diligent in building a solid credit standing, then you stand a good chance on getting lower car insurance quotes when you buy car insurance. Aside from making sure unpaid bills don’t pile up, keep your credit balance as low as possible and don’t acquire more credit than you need. Keep your records updated and make sure to correct any errors so your credit history remains insuranceMany car insurance companies also offer discounts to people whose cars have safety features. Airbags, seatbelts, anti-lock braking systems and other factory-installed safety features on your car may help you find the cheapest car insurance you can get. Make sure you tell your insurer that you have such features installed on your vehicle when you get car insurance quotes.

Sometimes it pays to be diligent to the point of being anal. If you want the cheapest car insurance you can get, you should review your car insurance coverage to check for unnecessary expenses in it. If you’re not thorough you may be spending on additional coverage that you don’t need or already have. A perfect example would be towing services. Most, if not all, auto clubs provide such services yet this is part of most car insurance policies as well. So before you buy car insurance review the car insurance quotes you’ve gotten and eliminate all the unneeded expenses.

If you’re looking for cheap car insurance, look for insurers that give discounts to students and senior citizens. Some car insurance companies will offer discounts for students with good academic records and for drivers over the age of 50. Ask around or research on car insurance online, as well, if you have a college student in your family. Some insurers give discounts to parents with college-age children who go to school a certain distance away from home and don’t bring a car to their campus.

One last great tip to lower you car insurance payments is to use your car less. There are a lot of car insurance companies that will give you discounts if you keep the annual mileage on your vehicle low. So, evaluate how you use your car. If you make frequent short trips around town you might consider planning ahead and organizing all your errands so you can check all of it off your list in as few trips as quoteOne thing to remember though is that car insurance companies may differ in what they consider to be low annual mileage, so do your research. If you think you might be able to lower your mileage then get updated car insurance quotes.

Following just a few of these recommendations will surely help you lower your car insurance payments. Remember, it is not always about finding the cheapest car insurance provider. Most of the time, it is simply about knowing your options and weighing them to find the perfect car insurance strategy for you.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Cars From Pontiac In 2009

car insuranceIt's been confirmed that Pontiac will be selling the G3 5-door hatchback in 2009. The vehicle is based on the Chevrolet Aveo5 (also known as the Daewoo Kalos in Korea). The sedan version of the G3 was sold in Mexico previously and also sold in Canada as a 5-door hatch that was called the G3 Wave.

The G3 will be mechanically identical to the Aveo, using a 1.6 liter 4 cylinder engine along with a 4-speed automatic / 5-speed manual transmission. Features will include GM's OnStar system, AC, airbags, and more. The car also comes with standard fog lights and a hatch spoiler to improve the style of the car.

Although it is an economy hatchback, the G3 adds a different flavor to the Pontiac line of cars. Also, in 2009, Pontiac will have 4 cars with EPA highway fuel economy of over 30 mpg, making it a lot more competitive in today's car market. These vehicles include the G3, Vibe, G6 sedan, and the G5 coupe.

The price has not been determined as of yet.

The G6 nameplate was new when the sedan and coupe came out in 2005 (with the convertible following), but the G6 is ostensibly the sixth-generation version of the Grand Am line. The G6 is also available in hardtop convertible form. Trim levels start with the base sedan, fitted with a 2.4-liter four and a four- or six-speed automatic. The G6 GT comes in all three body styles-it's the only droptop trim-and has a 3.5-liter V-6 with a four-speed auto. The GT convertible can also be optioned up to a 3.9-liter V-6.

At the high end are the GXP sedan and coupe, with a 252-hp, 3.6-liter V-6 with variable valve timing. The GXP recalls the body-clad Pontiacs from days of yore, with a giant rear spoiler, large grille, and hood scoops inspired by the successful Pontiac GXP.R that races in the Grand-Am Rolex Sports Car Series. The look doesn't translate well to the street.

The Pontiac G6 is based on the same unibody platform as the Chevy Malibu, but the newer Malibu benefits from three additional years of development and a vastly better interior. By comparison, the G6 feels like a rental car, with cheap plastic coating the cabin.

A six-speed transmission is a new option for the 2.4-liter base car, and it results in an impressive 33-mpg EPA highway rating. Remote start is now standard on GT and GXP cars quoteWe picked the G6 convertible first in a comparison test against the Ford Mustang and Chrysler Sebring, but it's worth noting that the trunk is all but unusable with the folding hardtop stowed. We're not huge fans of the aggressive styling of the GXP, but someone-somewhere-must love it. The GT lacks any driving thrills despite 221 horsepower. That leaves the base car, which has appeal in its lower sticker price and higher fuel economy. Our best recommendation, though, is to walk over to the Chevy dealership and look at the Malibu.

Front, front side, and curtain airbags are standard on the sedan and coupe; the convertible makes do with front and front side bags. ABS and traction control are standard on the base and GT cars. Stability control is standard on the GT convertible and GXP models; the GT sedan and coupe get stability control as part of a $1590 Street Edition package.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Giving Your Car a Thorough Auto Tuning ( GOOD TIPS )

nissan skyline tuningAuto tuning is really important if you want to keep your car in its tip-top shape. This will also improve your car's handling as well as raise your car's value.

If you own a car, you probably know the importance of auto tuning. There are people who do auto tuning as a hobby and there are people who actually do this for a living. When you subject your car to an auto tuning, you basically give someone the right to modify it, usually to improve its performance or its handling.

Some people also have their cars tuned to fit their style. This is not as hard as you would think and all it takes is a little knowledge and skill.tuningUnderstanding Auto Tuning
Cars are pretty much generic. Yes, they can be worth millions of dollars but they are pretty much generic. They are not made specifically to suit your style or your needs. This is why there are people who have their cars tuned.

There are really many ways of tuning a car. You can have it sprayed with a different color. Does your car have a boring blue paintjob? Would you like to have it painted black with lightning streaks of red on the sides? You can place accessories that maybe unnecessary but could make your car look good. You could add in spoilers, side skirts, air vents, double exhausts and bumpers. You can spray symbols or other designs as well.

One of the many popular tune-ups that cars usually have is the engine tune up.

Aside from tuning up the engine, you can also do other things related to your engine's performance. You can adjust your fuel economy or you can modify your car's RPM. All these things are done not only to improve the aesthetic value of your car, but also to allow easier handling and better comfort.
These days, auto tuning is not something that is taken lightly. In fact, there are events that you can join. People actually hold events for car owners to meet and compete. The judges will usually pick out the car with the best tuning. You can even win prizes for having the best auto tuning.
tune your car
The Auto Tuning Your Car Needs

It is advisable that your car should get a tune up every 30,000 miles. This is a good way to prevent permanent damage to your car. A thorough auto tuning includes replacement of fuel filter. Sparkplugs and sparkplug wires, distributor cap and rotor, valves, belts, air filter and positive crankcase ventilation. You may want to check your fluid levels as well. If your transmission or brake needs some fluids, provide it with some. Give your battery a thorough cleaning as well. While you are at it, check your brakes, lights, wiper blades and other car gauges.

Auto tuning is important. This prevents damage to your car. This allows easy handling as well. With regular auto tuning, you will ensure that you will always have a clean and trustworthy ride.

Crash Barriers- Making Road Travel Safer for You

car insurance crash
Crash barriers keep the vehicles from going off the road and steer them safely back on to the road. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that their very presence can boost the confidence of a jittery driver on a mountain road.

Crash barriers can be classified on the basis of their design and implementation. Guardrail, wire rope safety barrier, crash cushions and high containment barrier are a few that can be seen on roadways. All the crash barriers work on a similar principle, they are designed to absorb the impact of the vehicle going off track and hence help it get on to the road again without letting it lose its balance.

At times, the crash barrier to be used on a roadway is determined by the kind of vehicle traffic the roadway gets. For example high containment barriers are put up on the roadways with a large traffic volume of heavy vehicles. Then, crash cushion is specifically designed to protect motorists from impacting the end of concrete barriers and toll plazas. Guardrail is the most commonly seen crash barrier but has a history of highest injury and fatality in a fixed object crash. This is where wire rope safety barrier scores over guard rail as it consists of wire ropes and is flexible.
car tuningThough the crash barriers prevent several accidents everyday, they sure don’t prevent all of them. There have been incidences of fatalities, which were mainly attributed to the design and material of the crash barriers. Most of the roadways get all types of automobiles and therefore it becomes difficult to decide on the height and strength of the crash barrier. For, a motorbike can slip under the barrier that’s meant to keep a car from going off track, while a big truck may trip well over the same barrier.

As a step towards ensuring safe road travel, road safety products are first tested and then put up on roadways. The crash barriers are tested in accordance with the guidelines mentioned in National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350, “Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features”.

These guidelines are based on the findings of continuous road safety researches and are subject to revision.

Eco-tuning: Saving More Gas Without Sacrificing Performance

With the rising costs of fuel in the global market, it is no wonder that more and more car owners are resorting to various methods to save gas. In order to lessen their dependence on fuel, most consumers are opting to use hybrid vehicles that offer great mileage while consuming relatively little amounts of gas. Others are using non-conventional gas saving tips such as using public transport or using a bicycle to avoid spending money on fuel. One such method on how to save gas is eco-tuning. But what exactly is eco-tuning and how would it help a car owner in saving energy?
gas tuning car
Basically, eco-tuning is one of the many gas saving tips a consumer can avail of. To put it simply, it is done to improve the power of the engine for conservation purposes rather than using it to travel faster on the road. The vehicle will be tuned specifically to meet optimal performance standards and save gas at the same time. This means the vital parts of the vehicle will be modified to reduce fuel consumption without sacrificing the vehicle’s standard performance. Some of the advantages a consumer can benefit from eco-tuning are 15% increase in engine output, a fuel consumption decrease of 2.5 to 6 liters for each 100 kilometers and a more reliable performance from your vehicle. Eco-tuning is very useful for car owners who travel long distances regularly as it will help them save gas more. Plus, using an eco-tuned vehicle will give the car owner the benefit of not changing gears too often. This will result in more gas being saved every time a car owner is travelling for long distances.

There are a lot of auto shops out there that specialize in eco-tuning vehicles. These various shops can help any car owner achieve their desired tuning for their respective cars. In addition, these shops can provide car owners with gas saving tips to maximize the use of their eco-tuned car. In this way, the car owner can drive their car ideally without worrying about the rising cost of fuel. Plus, their fuel consumption is bound to decrease by 20% with the help of eco-tuning. This will result in a better performance from the vehicle and a lessened dependence on fuel. Just make sure the vehicle is suitable for eco-tuning to avoid any complications.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How to Increase Your Sports Cars Fuel Efficiency

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One of the blights of owning a flashy sports car is the large amount of gasoline they consume. Unlike the larger, bulky vehicles that consume a lot of gas due to their size, sports cars usually burn a lot of gas due to fast accelerations and all around fast driving. With the price of gas going up all over the country, the fun of owning a sports car is quickly diminished when it comes time to visit the pump. In order to reduce a bit of the hurt that these sports cars and do to your wallet, keep these fuel tips in mind.

The first thing that you can do in order to save money at the pump is to simply cut down on your driving. You can try car pooling or taking public transportation when available. This way you can save driving your sports car to when you really enjoy it, not for boring commutes. For when you are driving the car, remember to keep it as light as possible. The fewer heavy objects and people that are in your car when you are driving, the less expensive your fuel bills will be.

One of the more prominent reasons why sports cars guzzle so much fuel is due to their fast acceleration. It is a lot of fun to be able to go from 0 to 60 in just a few seconds, but think about what it is doing to your cars gas mileage. Keep your foot lightly on the gas pedal while accelerating; there is no need to get off to a lighting fast start all of the time. Another thing that guzzles gas is driving too fast. Driving fast is what makes sports cars fun, but the gas bills that result from it are anything but. In order to get the best fuel efficiency, drive in fifth gear at 40 to 55 miles per hour when possible.

The next thing that you can do in order to increase your sports cars fuel efficiency is to keep your tires inflated. If you are unsure as to how much air pressure you should have in your tires, consult your vehicles doorjamb, or owners manual. The number on the tires themselves may be inaccurate for your particular vehicle.
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During the summertime, a debate that often occurs concerns the best way to save on gas, to either open the windows or use the air conditioning. While there is no simple answer, it all depends on a few factors. When driving at faster speeds, it is usually better to have the windows closed in order to prevent drag. When you first enter your vehicle, if it is very hot, it is better to drive around at relatively slow speeds with the windows down. This way you can get rid of the hot air quickly without overworking your air conditioning. If you own a convertible sports car, you will burn less fuel if you keep your top up.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Guaranteed Auto Loan Now – Receive Your Car Finance Now

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When it comes down to it in today's world not many people want to go out there not knowing exactly what the process encompasses when they are trying to buy themselves a car either for their own personal luxury or for them to get from place to place with. You really need to make sure that you have all the knowledge that goes with buying a car already in your head or else you risk ending up having to spend a lot more money then you should be in the first place. In order for you to make sure that you are going to get the best possible deal on a Guaranteed Auto Loan you are going to want to make sure that you get car finance before you ever walk into a car dealerships car lot.

A Car Finance Loans is simply a way for you to go about paying for the car that you are looking to purchase. You are going to take out a car loan from a financial lending company and bring it to the car dealership with you. The reason for going about doing this is because the moment that you bring your own Used Car Finance to a car dealership you are then considered what is known as any cash buyer in that you can buy the car pretty much out right from them just as if you are paying for it in cash in the first place. You can then you should car finance in order to either buy the car that you want from them or you can also use it to lease a car through them.

If you happen to have gone through the process of buying a car in your past then you more than likely know how a car salesman is going to work with you. The first thing that they would go about doing is checking your credit score through their third party financing company before they ever begin to negotiate on a fair price for the car that you are looking to purchase a car finance with you. The moment they go about doing this they are going to then offer you a supposedly special finance deals in any attempt to make you buy the car and finance it through their own third party financing car finance solutions. This is something that you are going to want to avoid like the plague and is going to end up making you pay a lot more money down the line in the future on the car that you desire simply because you did not take the time and energy to do all the research that is required before getting yourself a car finance that you need.

Irish Construction Insurance

One of the most interesting facts about the Irish Construction industry is that there is no legal requirement for a construction company to hold any from of construction insurance! In fact, the only insurance an Irish contractor is legally obliged to have is basic motor insurance on his/her motor vehicles!

Although there is no legal requirement under Irish law for a contractor to hold adequate Construction Insurance it is extremely important that adequate cover is in place.

One of the most important reasons is the high injury & mortality rate on Irish Construction sites. One major positive of the recent construction boom is the fatality per thousand ratio has fallen in recent years although it is still at an unacceptable level.
For example, in 2001 28% of workplace fatalities were Construction related and the Irish Construction industry is consistently second only to the Irish Agriculture& Forestry Industry.

As many primary contractors require their subcontractors to hold Construction Insurance the reality is that although Construction Insurance is not a legal requirement it is usually a prerequisite to obtaining work on the majority of the countries construction sites so the need for construction insurance is a necessity in everything but law!

Although Construction Insurance is quite a complex field the four main areas of cover are as follows:
• Public Liability Insurance
• Employers Liability Insurance
• Contractors All Risks
• Personal Accident
Public Liability Insurance
Public liability insurance [PL] provides cover in the event that the policyholder is sued by a third party who feels that they have suffered injury or loss as a result of the policyholders negligence (lack of care).
Consider the following examples where Public Liability Insurance will provide cover:
• You run a plumbing company. One day you are called to an office to sort out a problem in their kitchen. Accidentally, you burst a pipe, and flood the office. Your client then makes a claim against you for the damage to their carpet and computer systems which have been damaged by the water.
• You are a building contractor. While walking along scaffolding one of your men drops a piece of equipment which falls to the street, injuring a passing pedestrian. The pedestrian makes a claim against your firm.
Obviously these are very simplified examples and we haven’t discussed the complexities of Products Liability/Liability Law/Duty of Care etc however it should provide a basic understanding of Public Liability Insurance.

Employers Liability Insurance

Employers Liability Insurance [EL] provides cover if any of your employees suffer physical injury or death, and it is proven that as an employer you acted negligently and subsequently could have prevented their loss. If they then decide to pursue you for compensation the insurer will pay the cost of the claim.
Consider the following examples where Employers Liability Insurance will provide cover:
• You run a carpentry company. One of your employees loses a finger while using a chop saw and decides to claim against you for his injury
• You are a scaffolding contractor and are erecting scaffolding around an apartment block. While erecting the scaffolding one of your employees falls and suffers severe bodily injury. He decides to claim against your firm.
Please note that Public & Employers Liability is offered ‘hand in hand’, that is when arranging construction insurance you will need to arrange both Public Liability & Employers Liability Insurance together [Also known as Combined Liability Insurance] as Employers Liability Insurance is not available on a ‘Stand Alone’ basis..
Contractors All Risks Insurance

Contractors All Risks insurance (also known as Contract Works insurance) is an insurance policy specially designed for builders and a number of other trades working at a contract site. Contractors All Risks insurance can include cover for contract works, own plant, hired-in plant and employee's tools. The main part of the contractors all risks insurance is the contract works section which provides cover for the property being worked on (e.g. new house, etc.). However, cover for the existing property is excluded (e.g. the existing structure when building an extension) and must continue to be insured under its own insurance cover.
Consider the following examples where Contractors All Risks Insurance will provide cover:
• You are a building contractor and are building a house for resale. So far you have spent €200,000 on materials and labour. The property catches fire and is destroyed before it has been completed. • You are groundwork’s contractor and are presently digging foundations for a new housing development. Naturally you leave your excavator on site until the contract is completed however one night your excavator is stolen.
Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance [Also known as Income Protection Insurance] is highly recommended for a sole traders, business partners and company directors as a combined liability policy does not cover any injury caused to a sole trader/business partner while it is extremely difficult for a company director to sue his/her own company. A policy can be tailored to your exact needs and policies include a tax free monthly benefit, a lump sum [capital benefit] and hospital cash.
Consider the following examples where Personal Accident Insurance will provide cover:
• You’re a self employed carpenter with no employees. You cut your hand and are unable to work for eight months. As you have Personal Accident cover you receive a tax free benefit of €1,500 after one month and continue to receive this amount until you return to work.
• Although Personal Accident/Income Protection insurance is no substitute for full time earnings it will provide you with an income if you are unable to earn and it will reduce your financial worries at a time when your recovery should be your number one priority.

Machinery & Plant Insurance
Machinery & Plant Insurance is normally arranged on a case by case basis and provides Accidental Damage Fire & Theft Cover on Machinery. This policy is normally taken by contractors who wish to cover a specific number of items.
Health & Safety Executive

In Ireland the HSE [Health & Safety Executive] have the ultimate authority over Construction Sites and have the ability to close a site if they feel it is a safety hazard. Their primary initiative is the ‘Safe Pass’ – a one day site safety training programme.
Who needs to do Safe Pass awareness training?
Safe Pass is a one-day safety awareness programme aimed at general construction workers, craft workers and "on site" security personnel in the construction industry. The aims of the programme are to:
• raise the standard of safety awareness in the construction industry
• ensure that site personnel after completing the one day awareness programme can make a positive contribution to the prevention of accidents and ill health while working on the site
• maintain a register of personnel who have received training
• provide participants with a FAS Safe Pass registration card, indicating that the holder has attended a formal course in health and safety awareness
Under the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2006 Safe Pass / Safety Awareness Programmes applies to -
(a) craft and general construction workers,
(b) persons undertaking on-site security work, and
(c) persons or classes of persons as may be prescribed by the Minister.
For more information on Irish Site Safety please visit the website of the Health & Safety Authority while for more information relating to Irish Construction Insurance please visit the website of Keystone Insurance, Ireland’s premier supplier of Construction Insurance
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